Saturday, May 16, 2009

Place Name Crypic Clue

package frustration

This ************************ of parcel delivery by Hermes. I now just down to the mailbox to the regular mail to check, was at the door again as a note ... Allegedly Mr. deliverer would have been there at 10.30 and had rung the bell and all. Unfortunately, both my sister and I are awake, what no one has heard - and as against 10:55 DHL came to bring my sister a package that Bell worked quite wonderful. Now I am on Monday morning, however, in the university, and if that !"§(&/"=)%"§(§(%?!" then ignore this note of issue for the next package store, I'm stuck in this store one war violence on the nut. Not even a phone number where you could sign here for a center in the vicinity, have printed the nasty on their labels. At DHL, UPS or DPD I just never had such a problem ... only Hermes, who have no shortcut, which are as a juice shop and have my phone.


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