Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stickers For Duncan Fearnley Magnum

Liar, liar - pants on fire

Heike (22:38):
biscuit and I have ne sexual relationship ... just for your blog you buckler!! cindy

If one now considers the fact that the biscuit in front of about five hours compared to the same that Uli has vehemently denied (text follows hopefully after), then of course that is very amusing as one lies very obvious. And no matter whether it is Cindy or the biscuit now, to speculate on the reasons for the lies is certainly highly entertaining and should any large gathering of people in the coming days will come.

PS: Grade (2.30 clock) is still heard today that Ricky had a date. Details of the "with whom" and another should of course be forwarded to contact me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Best Treatment Of Ocd In India

night stories

Actually, I lay in bed on Monday, has called as Andi / y. Ulenspiegel, come here and stuff. Well, what had I got to lose (except for bedtime) and I thought waddled through the rain until I am music cellar (you can get something really well outside of casting? Haarlem, Ulo, home - everything, "Keller music. Hm had arrived). And I was completely confused. People (women) that I did not know, conversations that I conducted, the weather and my mobile phone, all mixed in an attempt to stand in line and to act at the same time funny and eloquent. I failed kollossal. Below've arrived, I met Frieda, which was not as drunk as I have said today at the university. Actually, she was sober. But hey, drunk is what all want to believe ... well, actually threw quite funny. Only my body was going down already so that I was apathetic than usual at the end I got the "Slightly drunk" AK only to Döner food accompanied and then brought into the home. Since I wanted but not really clean, actually I wanted to because, after all, already so three or four hours sleep. Was really nice, so with Aki, Frieda, Andi / y, Felix, Tamara, and two plays, "Sorry-I-know-but-still-the-we-get-even-have-taken-but-please-let- someone-like-your-name-say-so-I-must-not-ask. "

Instead of going to labor, I woke up at about 12 clock so on the next day now and then thought "Moaaaah ... no." Went online, Felix comes online "Hey, I've decided today is lecture-free" (that he, not me. I was later !)... still in company law well, and we spontaneously think to start a campus newspaper. A cool, funny, brilliant campus newspaper. The sides we get full, we have ideas, we also believe it would be financially viable. Now we need only a name and seriousness. Suggestions for a name are always welcome. Later, they released by the Catherine and Josie, which brings me to the question of why so often I can tell from visiting wife and only so rarely successful experiences. Well. Hm I think the answer I will not hear at all.

Yesterday evening, just as it does the day before yesterday, I will actually get into bed, as Andi writes / y give me in ICQ, hey, photos with Patze? And since I know that Patze rumträgt a digital SLR with it, I was immediately there. made at the swan pond with a long exposure at work and FH-parking deck cool photos. Results are soon. Oh, and Uli had asked if I would pick him up at night, possibly Agostea. Had I but then not.

Today far too much Uni ... But hey, somehow it makes me more fun than it was last. Study is quite a cool thing in itself. The topic I'll pick me but for the campus newspaper. Or here if we should bury the idea of campus newspaper. First equal to the university basketball. Ballin ftw!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Foto's


My sister, when she arrived just in Fanbus is: "Cool, my brother worried me 'a card, so I have ten euros to drown!"

My sister, when I just under three hours (and even many beers in turn) later announced that Nora and Wolfgang had forgotten to accredit me, I so would have no card for it: "Shit Can someone give me ten euros ? borrow "

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Best Burn Temp For Woodstove

ICQ extracts

Can we say now what you want, but I found this duet by Mrs Schürmann and I totally funny ...

Limitless (17:38):
Yes, well, even if you arrive "Hey. Fuck?" :-D
Rebecca (17:39):
hello, what are you thinking? ^ ^
Limitless (17:39):
But you have introduced the F-word in the discussion :-D
Rebecca (17:39):
first is that what you want in the low awareness among men and second, I would not study with such a setting, special education teacher but are encouraging kiez
Limitless (17:40):
We do not only in the deep subconscious, like on the kitchen table or in the shower :-)

Confidentiality Clause Example Email

My Friday night

Oh yes ... the Janos has complained about my last posts, what I interpret as meaning that he would rather have another "The I-have-done-yesterday-evening-plus-gossip-and-gossip" item. And hey, who I would reject it? presented in the following words of the masters of self-representation his Friday evening:

We all connect Greece with basketball hooligans, garlic in food and the idea that "Hellas" means something like "Hello" (which is nonsense selbstverfreilich). For me personally, Greece of course, mainly with Nico, I have therefore called last night to agree on further action. My favorite Greek was indeed just come fresh from the shower, but without hesitation immediately went to the mobile phone, which brought me to the question of what it really takes everything as the bathroom. In any case, we agreed on the Ulo, the question of the time Nico responded with "Eija, so about 30 minutes." About 15 seconds later marched in Fab Nicos room, he took away the phone and drove the Greeks to hurry to "Hey Nico, we have all been finished, waiting for what you? ", which is why I ask" When are you going? "" Immediately, we are all already done, we are just waiting for Nico "" Really? To me he said something about 'half an hour ... "" Waaaaaaaas? Half an hour, are you stupid ...?" hehe ....

In any case, with Nico, Tobi and Fab taken from the bank and off to Ulenspiegel. The Jana made at the time was totally in New Zealand ( Here's my DIY Tips for New Zealand to make yourself.... brought buy kiwis, sheep now go to the sea Done), stamp and put in the beer garden views Is anybody noticed that the benches are there made for third-graders not that I do not care? could have been because I was quick-witted set to 'nen plastic chair would have, but oh well ... In any case, came as the Cindy, the new connection to the biscuit I would like to have mentioned here. Finally I arrived at noon in the office, where I have been alerted about this news (from my top-secret informants DB). Soso, Cindy and the biscuit ... I mean, I can not say much more, but hey, Cindy and biscuit. Do you do something out of it! I can now no longer so unobtrusively introduce the cafeteria, as it was: the sills ... Cindy tried the way with a warning that it would now also a teacher at the U + Ostschule, divert the attention. Shabby attempt, I think.

some point, after the second orange juice, it started to rain so we had the beer garden to the Ulo-inside. There I also met one day, Ben, Mo and the Janos, especially the John, with whom I was reminded of our funny mob evening. After a certain time nonsense I met again with Tobi and Fabi at the bar Esther and Anastasia, were waiting in turn to Adrian (you think that would be confusing dropping? Ha! Once I watch a soap opera-Trailer!). I confined myself to the competent speeches of nonsense at some point we went dancing but pure. This went well until Fab felt he would umschubsen me. My ankle had loose but this is not noticed, I left wrinkle away, ouch. At first the pain was just like a tape (to) crack, but now I know that nothing is done. But is it swollen, but not so strong. Nevertheless, for the rest of the time was burdened with nothing more fun jumping around, but once again more or less (probably less) cool standing around in the area do not nod and left leg. Was also okay. Is now doing well does not hurt so much. Eventually everyone was gone except the Daniel, Esther and Anastasia. Because of Daniel, but had their own friends with whom he went about it, I'm with the two women then went to my car in order to drive home. Gentleman, I can not help it. My sweatshirt did I then temporarily also be pressed against Anastasia, because her coat was gone. (Total funny and descriptive, once again the madness of H & M: The two look her jacket, Esther engages in a coat that hangs beside it, the jacket found in the sleeves, also had size 40 was, stop beer soaked ... but well, was the jacket. Until about five seconds later, a nasty, nagging Biatch ahead, "Eeeeeey ... that 'my coat," and things like "insolence blabla ... give ...'s so not' 'babbling goes away. Long live individuality!). Auf'm way back to me then I finally indulged in something to eat ... and then I've yet to meet the Uli, who built up the market stall. So the circle closes.

I am, moreover, certain that Janos will be of the opinion that this entry represents some of the dependencies of the past wrong, inaccurate and / or inadequately dar. But since he is always very comment happy, I am sure that he will complete them if necessary ...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How Much Red Weaves Cost


Am about 6:30 clock in the bed was, 14.10 clock but again here on campus. I became immediately in my state allmaxx customer. Seems to me a clever idea at the time to recruit students totally tired ... with me's worked.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Sand Table Shuffleboard

Quasi-Live Blog

I am again, this time from the incredibly great live lecture for Psychology Lehramtsblabla. Uli had already warned me beforehand that they would be totally boring because Prof Glowalla no longer making. What can I say, he was absolutely right. I did not even noticed a word - wait, however, one thing Preparedness. I am still unsure whether it really is the word in English, which will verify.

Just now I'm getting back the General Administrative Law. 26 students, 4 have passed it - including me. Woo-hoo! Was but rarely with such people uninterested in a closed meeting, to rare with so many women who find an unattractive face and just 30-40 pounds and had too much of the opinion were to have to tie light pink or purple circus tent instead of pants around their fat hips. Mrs. Technically I would like to see it but sometimes, I would study primary school teaching.

What's here now to report from the lecture hall? Basti is sitting next to me staring and captured on my text, the guy checked out before me Bitches from the StudiVZ, unless it just his laptop crashes and behind us, Uli bored and offers us the first to stand up and yell "Simon, I love you "before he says he does not want to do it. Overlap. The Horst-Schlämmer blend on stage, however mumbles so by its course and want to know what is going on around him. Appears to be slightly accordingly. Otherwise, here again, of course, many women, most are sitting but with the back of the head to me, so that an assessment is impossible. Only the one that seems to have been ugly from the back, also sits on the laptop and is in StudiVZ.

Now we've moved on it to call people. Well, actually the Uli. But Tony has his phone off the Baschti would pick only the mailbox ... damn. Instead, the Uli has just disqualified from behind as casting experts: He did not know where the rare mountain is ... this we call him now stimulated. He says. Something quite different: Here no one gets the idea to shut the heavy doors once, NO ... fall rather be. If a Kacken here goes, get this with the entire auditorium. Or even a smoking may indeed be.

The people of ELSA drive way right after Lich in the brewery for a tour. Let's see what happens. Although still a place for me would be free, but somehow I find it pointless to go to an event where alcohol is all about ... or to consumption. Well, the "Prof" to the front for making good already. I'm out.