Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pinewood Derby Car Designs Taxi


Who is looking forward to reading house party, please continue and can not deter the entire text ... do not say that after all that I had not mentioned it.

In the last days were actually very Moderate Party. Los we went on Wednesday when we ELSA Law from Frankfurt to the event went. Well ... Claudi said yes, what dress code of suit and such. But somehow it was then at the end only Felix, Andi / y, John and I that we had thrown in the S-class, male clothing. Most of the rest went the other hand, something ... casual. When we were at Lovells in the elevator, climb three men, slightly older than us in the elevator, talk and therefore important to ensure that I learn new breathing techniques. Finally laugh at no one. Then there was a presentation on arbitration, which was much better than Felix has previously claimed - what could be also that Andi / y and I have provided to our teachers for a lot of good humor. We have also thereafter retained, as it then (finally) went to the food. It was delicious appetizers, for the other wine, and a really nice view over Frankfurt. Law firms just do not necessarily reside on the ground floor. And well, what can I say ... somehow it is not the case that Andi / y and I would have done in the presence of important people on the mouth. But I think Dr. coaches liked us.

then drove back to Giessen, missed the first train for about 30 seconds, instead took the next (oh) and then stopped pouring in again in the turret. Oh, do not forget John has forgotten two women at the station. Who does not want, who has, or how to say? Incidentally, I was the first time in the tower, which has the other confused. I my ... I live directly opposite - why should I go to the tower? About five meters have I more or less free drinks can loll in bed and television, sitting at the computer, run around without pants (if I like it) or sit for half an hour on the loo without myself feeling too funny. Why should I go to the tower? But well, now I was there ... was also quite nice. Then to Subway, and from there yet to Andi / y. As I noted two things: First, John has an extreme allergy to peanuts - five Snickers could be fatal. On the other Claudi tolerate really not so much wine ... but that should be enough in this respect. Ahem.
Andi / y and I are definitely drove again to the ship's mountain where Uniparty was. Top faaaaaar were many people, even more people but I have not seen the claim in retrospect, they would have been there. Among other things, but we met the Uli, the Ben, Jan, to John, Ricky, Laura, the Campman, the hollow ... Ah, just beat many people. Later, I again played taxi and I was called by Uli is a million times in a five-minute intervals, where I was staying at ... Blessed is he who has been drinking and no longer knows what he's doing. And so at 6 clock in the morning I was in bed.

The next "morning", so At about 12, I was then awake, picking off the Ben - and to Uli, who did not go to his cell phone, but it was awake when we were hammering against his shutters. And off they went to the cider festival in Daubringen, the absolute highlight of my "I watch people rotzbesoffene" season. Once again highlights without end, from the Bembel-thieving Anna S. on the Group, which wanted to take a look at my penis, to the colleagues (15), who, after he threw up and peed-, two times violently with a bush fought and lost both times, hands down until he was just choking on his back. If your child comes into this state home, you gratulierst him violently. Unfortunately, we are here gone a little too early, otherwise we would have noticed, has attacked as a type of my sister. I would have ever had a desire, someone to crush such a stupid clay pot on his head - and would even have been the impunity! Missed opportunity ... In any case, Uli, Ben and I then then went to Uli's parents for a barbecue party, where we ate delicious meat, funny old stories have warmed over the Uli and have amused his parents and their friends with it and us from Ulis father some have had mob, hehe. We have then later taken home, it is the Vengaboys and are then again into Haarlem. Since we were at times as many as the only three guests - so close to 0 clock. We have simply taken continuously cocktails at super motivated and topgelanten bar staff, until suddenly the Gerrit Gissel stands before me, and I so "Hey" and he was so "hey" and I so "Do you have service fee" and he so " Yes and I so "hahahahhaha ...". Yes, so this was some time back home in bed.

yesterday then went on with the party, at least more or less. My grandfather had in fact birthday, so we went off to the cake meal and such. Unfortunately, the cake was not too very well ... ever, there is a crisis in Hesse cake! Without the roof Cafe you can forget about watering in the cake scene anyway ... I miss the apple strudel from there. And the raspberry pie. Hopefully, the cake shop will be in there as well when it opens again. Well, in the evening then Haarlem, where people were more than the day before. Especially for us was "rhymes Monster" played, German Oldscholl-Hiphop at its best. I'm fairly quickly but then also become tired, party hard times just now. When I go to bed, wanted a punk and a bum have vociferously led a war of words about the dog of punk - and just under half an hour. I went heavy on the bag, but I was on the one too lazy to get up and close down the window, on the other mobile phone and lay on the desk, but I in bed. At some point, but then I'm asleep Sun And today? Today, East-level party. Looks as if the party marathon to go a bit ...


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