Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Sand Table Shuffleboard

Quasi-Live Blog

I am again, this time from the incredibly great live lecture for Psychology Lehramtsblabla. Uli had already warned me beforehand that they would be totally boring because Prof Glowalla no longer making. What can I say, he was absolutely right. I did not even noticed a word - wait, however, one thing Preparedness. I am still unsure whether it really is the word in English, which will verify.

Just now I'm getting back the General Administrative Law. 26 students, 4 have passed it - including me. Woo-hoo! Was but rarely with such people uninterested in a closed meeting, to rare with so many women who find an unattractive face and just 30-40 pounds and had too much of the opinion were to have to tie light pink or purple circus tent instead of pants around their fat hips. Mrs. Technically I would like to see it but sometimes, I would study primary school teaching.

What's here now to report from the lecture hall? Basti is sitting next to me staring and captured on my text, the guy checked out before me Bitches from the StudiVZ, unless it just his laptop crashes and behind us, Uli bored and offers us the first to stand up and yell "Simon, I love you "before he says he does not want to do it. Overlap. The Horst-Schlämmer blend on stage, however mumbles so by its course and want to know what is going on around him. Appears to be slightly accordingly. Otherwise, here again, of course, many women, most are sitting but with the back of the head to me, so that an assessment is impossible. Only the one that seems to have been ugly from the back, also sits on the laptop and is in StudiVZ.

Now we've moved on it to call people. Well, actually the Uli. But Tony has his phone off the Baschti would pick only the mailbox ... damn. Instead, the Uli has just disqualified from behind as casting experts: He did not know where the rare mountain is ... this we call him now stimulated. He says. Something quite different: Here no one gets the idea to shut the heavy doors once, NO ... fall rather be. If a Kacken here goes, get this with the entire auditorium. Or even a smoking may indeed be.

The people of ELSA drive way right after Lich in the brewery for a tour. Let's see what happens. Although still a place for me would be free, but somehow I find it pointless to go to an event where alcohol is all about ... or to consumption. Well, the "Prof" to the front for making good already. I'm out.


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